
100+ Busted in Medical Billing Fraud

The latest in medical billing fraud headlines reads: 107 people charged in healthcare fraud bust. It's a bust that's costing the government an estimated $450 million in false billings. 

In Miami, FL 59 people were charged; seven defendants were charged in Baton Rouge, LA; nine were charged in Houston, TX; eight in Los Angeles, CA; 22 in Detroit, MI; one person was charged in Chicago, IL; and one in Tampa, FL. 

You'll notice in most of these cases, the government cracks down on fraud specifically against the government (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, other federal health programs).  These exact same tactics and fraud can be committed against private insurers with little recourse.  It is up to us to prevent these issues from occurring.

1 comment:

  1. The government have to take serious action on fraud cases...

