
The Joy of Hitting the Numbers

I just started ANOTHER weight loss regimen.

It is tough for me. My lifestyle is inconsistent. I eat out and entertain A LOT. Last week, I had dinners planned for six nights in a row, not to mention business lunches. It takes a toll on the body. Still, I go up and down, and I need to figure out a way to maintain the same weight. I have young kids. I want to be around to know my grandchildren.


If You Can't Beat Them, Buy Them: Why Some Drug Costs Are Going Up

I have done some analysis on pharmacy costs for clients recently. During that time, I noticed an increase in the cost per prescription for some drugs. Our pharmacy partners have shown the same trend in their data. This upsurge made no sense to me.


When Yelp Reviews are Better than Hospital Rating Systems

Here is my latest Risk & Insurance article that blog readers may find interesting. In it, I share some thoughts on the problems with Hospital Rating Systems and how employers and payers can get to meaningful provider quality measures: When Yelp Reviews are Better than Hospital Rating Systems

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